Predistic is a software company based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Its main operations include software development and maintenance services. Our small and friendly team with passion for electronics and software has worked together for almost 20 years now. Some of us have been here right from the beginning, and others have worked together even before Predistic was established.
The team grows over the years gathering talented engineers and developing their skills, knowledge and process ability. Our people are used to working in multi-national teams, according to quality standards and aligning to specific customer processes. Currently Predistic team delivers software services in logistic and automotive industry to two major customers: Continental Automotive GmbH and Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics GmbH. We are flexible, open-minded and looking for new technological challenges!


Managing Partner / Financial Manager
M. Sc. Mariyan Nikolov is a part of the team that founded Predistic and is one of its owners. He takes signifficant responsibilities in the management of the company, but also participates actively in the daily work on customer projects. Mariyan has long lasting experience and dozens of successful projects in software engineering, architecture, and coordination of multinational teams for corporate customers. His professional interests are mainly focused on software architectures, project management methodologies, as well as in the application of modern technologies in real projects. He enjoys all challenges and the opportunity to work for a company with clear values and a strong team with highly-qualified professionals.

Managing Partner / Key Account Manager
M. Sc. Pavlina Dimitrova takes significant responsibilities in the management of the company. She has long experience in the management of teams developing software services for big corporate customers. She is a pioneer of CMMI implementation in Bulgaria. The team managed by her won six Siemens "Golden Supplier of the Year" awards and the "Software Excellence" award of the European Software Institute.